Saturday, February 16, 2013

Learning, learning, and more learning!

Here comes an end to another week! They are flying by! A part of these week that I am most excited about and proud of is a fractions quiz that I gave the class yesterday. For some background information first, over the past two weeks I have taken over teaching math with the focus being adding/subtracting fractions and mixed numbers (with and without regrouping) as well as decomposing fractions. Through these two weeks there were many crests and a few troughs, but everything went well! My co-teacher, Cassie, and I planned a centers review lesson with both of our classes on Thursday incorporating all our fraction skills and mixed in some weather knowledge! We are really trying to improve our skills on teaching together and give the students the best learning experience. The quizzes yesterday made me feel so great because... the students all did SO well! Each quiz just made my smile grow more and more!

The fractions quiz marks the end of my TWS unit and now it is time to start showing the growth of the students and their knowledge of fractions :) My TWS is such a daunting task, but I am so glad I have my co-teacher with me because without her, I would be lost in the see of paperwork we have to complete!

This week we also had a dictionary skills test where the students also did a fantastic job!! 

The week after February vacation is going the be the week of my three take over days. I am quite excited to have this experience and am trying to not let my nerves get the best of me! There are a lot of fun lessons being planned, and we are going to be diving into a measurement unit in math and wind in science! 

In the words of my SP: don't practice, prepare! This February vacation is going to have a lot of preparation for the 25th-1st! 

As for the "fit" part of "fit and teaching," I am back to the gym and loving it. Balance is key to life and making time for what is important to you. I was really happy to see my numbers not decline too much in my powerlifts because I can still deadlift at least 225 lbs! 

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